The Tidy Dad - enjoying organizing, snubbing world-wide trolls & celebrating "just enough"

Published: Sept. 2, 2021, 2:07 a.m.

b'There are 2 levels to the Tidy Dad (Tyler Moore). Learn about his passion for organizing, cleaning hacks and creating the best efficiencies ever!

Moore speaks openly about mental health tidying, too. He stands up for male influencers (ask him how his skin is so soft and glowy).

The Tidy Dad offers lessons in skinny dipping and says everyone needs to give themselves a super hero name. *The two topics may, or may not be, related.

How do you keep a family of 5 organized in a 750 square foot New York apartment?
Listen in and take good notes. Tidy Dad is here to save the day and inspire you to realize "Home is where you live, not where you store stuff."
InstaGram: TidyDad
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