Kristina Paider - panic attacks, water falls and leveraging super powers

Published: Jan. 18, 2021, 10:17 p.m.

b'From panic disorders to asking yourself "How can I leverage my super powers?"

From Green Bay to Cabarete; author, screenwriter and business strategist Kristina Paider discusses her new book "The Hollywood Approach; script your life like a hit movie and live your wildest dream."

You\'ll find out what traumatic incident created a major change in her life and what waterfalls in the Dominican Republic have to do with her decision to take back normal.

Her book includes how character moves a story forward in movies and for ourselves, and there is a chapter called \'Flawsomeness\' that discusses why we would share parts of our lives that aren\'t necessarily InstaGram approved.

The prank she shares is adorable because she then breaks down how it could have gone better. : )'