Brian Reitz - share your wild ideas - How Cool Is This

Published: Sept. 4, 2022, 8:41 p.m.

b'Got an idea? An invention? A solution to a pet peeve?
Comic Brian Reitz and podcast partner Nick Holder provide a platform in which listeners can share the idea they have, and the co-hosts discuss the good, the possible and maybe the reason why it\'s a klunker. You just call and leave a short voicemail at 848-863-9917

I even made one of their episodes, where they called it a "Win-Win Heckling".

The \'How Cool Is This\' show is quite bingeable and perfect for the busy brain as each episode is only 5 minutes long. Anyone can participate and listen later for feedback or maybe even a connection.

Reitz performs stand up and also does Marketing, B2B style, and finds a way to seamlessly blend the two when so moved.

Find out my super-cool idea, and witness the mic flip when the guest asks ME about a prank story. It involves a bar, a stranger and a visit to the restroom.

Podcast: How Cool Is This