Strange Recon - Jeremy McGowan & Field Work 7/25/22

Published: July 25, 2022, 10:22 a.m.

b'Jeremy McGowan is one of the most interesting figures in UFOlogy today. He has created a series of capabilities most Ufologists only dream of. His OSIRIS vehicle and his involvement with UAPx is a beacon of light many of us sailing the rough waters of UFOlogy are glad to have. There are many people working on gathering information worthy enough to call it "evidence" but it seems Mr. McGowan plays a pivotal role in that quest for real evidence that can finally shake the heads of the science community world round. It is my belief that Mr. McGowan will continue to grow his operation to a point where he will have the most sophisticated sky-watching equipment housed in a mobile platform. He is a veteran service member of the United States Armed Forces among many other things I find highly respectable. In addition to his tech, he has had interesting experiences linked directly to this topic, and his involvement with some key figures and places, makes him rather unique.

Keep your third eye peeled, Recon!'