The Art of ONE: Quantum Jewels from the Eternal Treasure Chest of TRUTH! Explore the Fabric of Eternity with Solara Rose!

Published: Oct. 21, 2022, 6 p.m.

Wow! A pure, potent and powerful Transmission of LOVE flowing into our Sacred Circle today as Solara Rose gifted us with her enchanting pearls of SOURCE wisdom and Solar Diamond clarity! We discussed sacred relational mastery, and allowing love’s presence to operate through every being inour life experience. Solara also talked about nature and the elements as our greatest teacher, ally, source of wisdom and knowledge into the grand cosmology of Self (our divine super nature)! We explored cultivating a faithful loyal LOVERSHIP with our I am Presence, allowing our genius to orchestrate,configure and deliver for us! We discussed ceremonial arts for exquisite self romance and euphoric aliveness to unlock yourfountain of wealth and thrive gracefully in all areas!! Other insightFULL areas of discussion were cultivating coherence with the cosmic heart of divine prosperity AND Source superattraction: Unlocking the prolific floodgates of flow!! This is one to listen to multiple times to feel and receive the layers of love and profound truth!
40 million adults in the United States aged 18 and older suffer from anxiety, cognitive and emotional disorders caused by factors such as neurochemistry, personality, chronic stress and life events. [ADAA]
SOLARA ROSE was one of them, having walked through the greatest challenges of the human experience in this lifetime, which she refers to as “ferocious fires of initiation”.
Growing up in an environment of volatility and violence in the home, the senior year Solara had gained more than 100 pounds of weight; an unwanted side effect from the concoction of anxiety medications she was consuming on a daily basis. What followed were years of immense stress, social anxiety, heartache, personal and financial loss, and the tragic death of loved ones-a narrative too heavy for anyone to mentally conceive, let alone to carry.
In this state of contrast woven together by years and layers of living out of alignment, and while working in corporate America, Solara made several attempts to go home, but her navigational compass kept reinforcing that it was time to shatter the shackles of limitation and start passionately authoring her story, not through external means, but through her own vast esoteric wisdom. Listening to the whispers of her intuitive knowing and diving into the rabbit hole – headfirst, Solara embarked on a major reset and quest of self-invention; she gave away everything she owned, donated all her possessions to women’s shelters and started fresh. No longer weighed down by her past, she followed the voice and the truth of her soul that kept reminding her, there was something grander available to her. The sirens of destiny awoke.
Her journey catalysed her open in ways where she began to have peak mystical experiences and access advanced psychic abilities, allowing her to visually see and direct energy; a profound sequence of awakenings, one might say, which led her to explore the correlation between her own nuanced internal coding and what was reflected and manifesting in her daily reality.
This chapter of her life led her to a 10-year odyssey around the world, becoming a scholar of human sciences with the aim to better apprehend her own innermost constructs with the hope to unearth, reverse-damage, and resolve years of trauma. While studying and mastering neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics, cosmology, indigenous wisdom and philosophy, she soon realized she didn’t require fixing. She was compelled to maximise her programming through a God Self lens of reality so she could disrupt her own dystopian notion of living. This was the moment everything changed!
Today, audiences worldwide have come to know and love SOLARA ROSE for her iconic, tour-de-force teachings, transmissions and advisory programs, all crafted through years of deconstructed spiritual depth, positively juxtaposed and validated through peer reviewed science.