Quickly Clear Interferences to Receive Clarity for Your 5D Future!

Published: Nov. 15, 2022, 7 p.m.

Advanced Spiritual Accelerator Zhayra Escobar blessed us with many powerful group clearings that will dissolve density, distortions and distractions to create SPACE for spiritual clarity & renewed confidence! Now more than ever before it’s important to take inventory of where we live energetically.What’s occurring in our outer world is a manifestation of our inner world, so where are we? What thoughts are we having, what self-talk are we experiencing, what words are we expressing, and by doing so, what are we speaking into reality? We are being called to look within. Everything that needs to be exposed and healed is comingto the surface. This is our opportunity to ask ourselves…What are the things we hold in judgment, what are the things we are fixated on, what limited beliefs about ourselves are holding us back from having a more fulfilling life? During these POWERFUL clearings we have the opportunity to look deep within ourselves. This is the time to do our inner work, and bring light and awareness. It is in this process that we learn to love ourselves more deeply, and claim our sovereignty. In doing so, we bridge the gap to 5D by raising our consciousness!! This energy clearing will create space, a sense of inner peace and calm giving you the confidence to move forward, you won’t want to miss this!
Zhayra Escobar is an advanced spiritual accelerator on Bonnie Serratore’s team whom she affectionately calls her “White Sorceress”. Zhayra has been working with Spiritual Acceleration for many years and has continued to pursue her studies in several other modalities to enhance her skills with the light.
Zhayra is passionate about helping people. Her skills allow her to find the interferences, blocks, issues that keep us in suffering. Zhayra is able to bring forth the true essence of our soul, waking up, raising self awareness and consciousness.
As we move into the new paradigm, we are being called to reclaim our long forgotten gifts, light and power. Zhayra brings to the table a myriad of ways to deal with individual issues. Her experience encourages people to reignite their joy and creativity allowing them to live a more passionate and empowered life.