Light Language DNA KeyCode Activations to Support Your Ascension!

Published: June 6, 2022, 6 p.m.

We welcomed new speaker Keleena to the show! We learned about the journey of this New Earth Feminine Goddess as well as the activations she is sharing with the planet to support our ascension! It is time to raise the octaves of the planet through you, lightworkers, starseeds, twin soul sacred partners, healers, teachers, astrologers, and so on in unconditional love through powerful crystalline DNA light codes that Keleena brings forth! Keleena is a Divine Wayshower for Sacred Heart Ascension, a Light Language DNA Keycode Activator, Multidimensional Quantum Energy Healer, Light Body Activator, a Sister of Light, a High Priestess of Isis & the Magdalene, a Sacred Site Gridwork Activator. She utilizes light language to activate codes through the DNA at the cellular level and amplify your Lightbody cellular activity levels. She also shared some powerful decrees such as “I now align to my divine sacred heart” designed to open our hearts and generate transformation. We also talked about Gaia’s New Golden DNA that we ALL have access to, plus the new Human Spine, Brain and more!
Keleena is a Divine Wayshower of Ascension & Divine Feminine New Earth Leader. Multidimensional  Quantum Energy Healer, Master Keycode Activator, and International Facilitator for Ascension.
She utilizes vibrational harmonic DNA key codes through languages of light, sound, and tone to shift your frequency and raise the octave within yourself, Earth, and humanity’s vibration.
As a Transformational Multidimensional Healer and New Earth Divine Feminine Leader, Keleena facilitates Empowerment through Activations, Healing, and Mentorship. This work assists souls of all ages to know thyself, love thyself, and be thyself as the I AM presence; you are leaving judgment & distorted subconscious fears, and old programs behind. She will assist you in becoming the best version of yourself and learn how to become the manifesting alchemist you truly are.