Heart Star Living + Reclaim Your Rose Line Lineage AND Crystalline Aspects!

Published: Feb. 3, 2023, 7 p.m.

Glow and Flow with us as we dance in the light waves and crystalline streams! Galactic Sound Alchemist,Quantum Energy Work Practitioner, Crystalline activator, Light language expressionist, Gateworker, and Rose Line Emissary Amala Rose shares with us her wisdom on Heart Star Living. She shares her experiences of Light language and who/what she considers the Collectives of Light to be. Amala shared practices to help reactivate/reclaim your crystalline aspects and described what the Rose Lines are, and why they are relevant now. She also offered a beautiful guided journey with brilliant, beautiful, graceFULL and melodic Light language streams and energetic support for all of us!
Amala is a Galactic Sound Alchemist, Quantum Energy Work Practitioner, Crystalline Conduit, Light Weaver, Craniosacral practitioner, Crystalline activator, Light language expressionist, Gateworker, and Rose Line Emissary. She supports the process of conscious evolutionary expansion with private quantum energy healing sessions, group events, Reiki classes, Sacred Sound Fields™, Rose Line programs, and ascension guidance for holistic practitioners, starseeds, and spiritual seekers in order for help clients align one’s physical life with one’s soul self and begin living more joyfully as embodied light. Having cultivated relationships with many light beings and Ways in galactic, archangelic, and ascended master spaces, she is a conscious conduit for what is being asked for by the client’s higher self. Amala is overjoyed at being able to assist those who are beginning to open in accelerated ways.
She was a professional artist who was incredibly ill with numerous chronic states for several years. In the midst of a traumatic life change, she began doing self Reiki in order to feel some sense of empowerment and comfort. What followed was a dramatic, accelerated, expansive, and immensely beautiful awakening, which brought Light language and new consciousnesses into her human life stream. After healing the physical conditions and regaining the ability to physically recreate a new life, Amala began offering Reiki sessions for others. In the first session, she began doing things she had never been taught in this lifetime, and realized she was receiving information in numerous multidimensional ways.
While we all need support and sometimes guidance and larger catalysts, there is a sincere belief that each individual is their own healer. She views sessions as co-creations and is happy to be able to facilitate a more empowered experience for clients so they may begin to or expand trust in their own knowingness.