FEEL the River of Gold that Runs Through YOU!!

Published: April 15, 2022, 6 p.m.

Wow!! A powerfully heart-opening experience for us all! It is always a love fest with precious Emalani and today was no exception! We shifted energy, we soared, we healed, we cried, we supported and uplifted one another AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!! Listen to the call in its entirety to feel the potency and to experience the profoundly palpable heart expansion that we experienced together as a group! Pure love was flowing – pure golden light was ignited within us and through us all. An experience to remember…
Emalani is a psychic / medium / spiritual life coach and certified hypnotist serving humanity with her natural gifts since childhood.
On her path to remembrance she has learned many modalities such as meditation, breath work, reiki, Wise Mind of God Technique and many more. She Attended The Oneness Center in Orange County California and became a certified hypnotist which led her to past life regression work in which she developed the technique of best life regression where she helps her clients connect to their highest self. Her main goal is to lead humanity to remembering who we are in order to create the world we remember that can be.