Enter the Sacred Chamber of Your Heart!

Published: Aug. 16, 2022, 6 p.m.

In this sacred space, there is no dis-ease, no judgment, no fear and no limitation! Come with us as we journey into this “Whole-ing” chamber to experience pure replenishment and rejuvenation. Emalani shares her heart, her personal journey and her loving spiritual guidance with us through meditation and in connecting with live callers. Feel a renewed sense of acceptance and love for yourself and others as you feel into the energies of this powerful gathering!
Emalani is a psychic / medium / spiritual life coach and certified hypnotist serving humanity with her natural gifts since childhood.
On her path to remembrance she has learned many modalities such as meditation, breath work, reiki, Wise Mind of God Technique and many more. She Attended The Oneness Center in Orange County California and became a certified hypnotist which led her to past life regression work in which she developed the technique of best life regression where she helps her clients connect to their highest self. Her main goal is to lead humanity to remembering who we are in order to create the world we remember that can be.