Atlantis, Inversions and Your Divine Eternal Presence Upon the Last Fall of Atlantis!

Published: Sept. 20, 2022, 6 p.m.

WOW, WHAT A CALL!! 13,000 years ago many things were inverted and corrupted from their natural and organic origins.This includes sacred symbols, geometry, and the concept that we have been separated from our Divine Eternal Presence. What is your Divine Eternal Presence? It is the fullest expression on every dimensional level of the highest integration of your Soul connection to Source. Your D.E.P. is the only aspect of you that is real, because it originated from Source as perfect, whole and complete, never corrupted or interrupted. The course correction of the Spiral of Atlantis happening since the December Solstice of 2020 includes the reversals of all that have been inverted, or separated from Prime Creator. Ameera explains how calling upon your Divine Eternal Presence to integrate and align all aspects of the Self is a powerful tool to clear your energy field and call back every aspect of your Being! PLUS –> Experience a beautiful guided meditation to meet an aspect of yourself that is ready to come forward, merge with you and bring forth MORE of your essence!
Ameera Atlantis is a Multidimensional Teacher and Healer for the New Atlantis. As an incarnated Atlantean Mer Being, she holds the ancient philosophy, wisdom, and knowledge of The Great Kingdoms of Atlantis and Lemuria in her DNA and Soul remembrance. Ameera is a direct conduit to The Mer World, the Sacred Feminine and to the element of Water. She brings forth messages from Ocean Mother Yemaya, ArchAngel Metatron, and teaches Sacred Geometry. Her mission and passion is to inspire and ignite the remembrance of purpose for incarnation in others through their own connection to Soul Origins, and sovereignty. Ameera Atlantis is an Ordained Minster and Steward of the Temple of the New Atlantis, Intuitive Healer, Advanced Level Past Life Regressionist, Author, and Conscious Clothing Retailer. She lives on the beautiful Island of Kauai and hosts retreats yearly.