Activate and Open YOUR Divine Crystalline Matrix for SACRED ALIGNMENT & IMMEDIATE SUPPORT!

Published: May 6, 2022, 6 p.m.

Open the Sacred Heart Doorway to the MULTIVERSE! Linda Johns led us through a truly potent and powerful guided meditation that will activate and open your inner circle – let your personal guidance team come alive!! Align with YOUR Sacred Truth!
In our evolution and ascension into 5-D, we are all being called to come home to the sacred heart – the multi-dimensional portal, where we can view ourselves as Love and Light from the place of Oneness. There is a deep inner prompting happening to align with our radiant soul light and to be “wholly present to the Presence” as we make conscious mindful choices.
The Divine Crystalline Matrix was channeled through Linda to provide a way of creating a healing chamber within our hearts, which can be accessed anytime by simply dropping your awareness into the heart and asking for help (free will choice) and healing. This allows your inner circle to support you. This Matrix uses sacred geometry and the frequency of white or golden energy to reset and heal by bring any limitations or old beliefs, back into the oneness and back into the wholeness of Love, while activating the golden crystalline light body and nourishing ourselves in this higher vibrational field which then allows us to reflect more light into the world. After participating in this, you will KNOW and FEEL that this circle is open yet unbroken – always available for support, healing, upliftment and alignment!
Linda has worked in the field of alternative healing for over 30 years. She is the founder of “Journey to Healing”, where she has shared her healing services in over 10,000 private sessions for both people and animals. With her natural psychic and intuitive abilities, clairvoyant insights and compassion, Linda has come to realize that her true passion is leading adventures to spirit. This flows into all paths of her work from individual healing sessions, classes, workshops, and Healing Retreats.