EP006: Finding Liberation in Forgiveness with Karen McMahon of Journey Beyond Divorce

Published: Oct. 22, 2015, 8 a.m.


Stepping into a new chapter of your life is difficult after a divorce, but if you use forgiveness as the stones of your path your journey will be easier. Forgiving yourself is a key component to moving forward and not dwelling in the past. Karen shares a very personal story which shaped her life for almost 50 years. She turned her pain into a passion and now guides others to their healing place. Inspiration for her comes from an unlikely source.




Key Takeaways:


[2:08] Ann reads a special passage to Karen


[4:06] Karen shares her private story


[6:32] Stepping into a new chapter


[8:07] Changing my view of myself from victim to victor


[8:39] True faith and forgiveness


[12:25] Detachment is step one


[15:20] Life depleting emotions


[17:11] I came back from broken


[19:50] Life coaches ask questions vs advice giving therapy


[23:10] Reach out to Karen via skype


[25:15] This type of guidance would have made things easier


[25:45] The Survival Series


[26:48] Both males and females struggle with pain


[28:35] Beyond includes dating


[30:26] Online dating, when it works


[34:09] Online dating, when it doesn\\u2019t work


[36:20] Texting, can you start a relationship this way


[40:20] Emotional availability


[41:57] Switch your judgement to curiosity


[43:30] Set an intention, not an expectation


[45:17] Finding inspiration in your mother, even when there are other issues


[53:21] Life is simple, everything happens for you, not to you






Jonathan Livingston Seagull


Journey Beyond Divorce


Straight Talk for a Curvy World




