What Do Phone Calls, Tattoos, Piercings, and Hair Color Have In Common?

Published: July 20, 2023, 7 p.m.

b'This week, GamerDude talks about how doing certain things, or society\'s view of having certain things, has changed over the years. He first talks about the process of making a phone call when he was a kid. He remembers when the only phone anyone had was the house phone, so you had to learn to talk to your friend\'s parents and siblings when making a call. He also talks about the awkwardness of calling a girl for a date, and the fear of getting her father on the phone.GameDude also talks about how society\'s views on other things has changed over the years, from tattoos, to piercings, to hair coloring. He talks about when he pierced his ear in the early 1990s, and how one employer had no problem with it, while another disapproved of his "inappropriate jewelry." He talks about how having a non-traditional hair-color is now more acceptable than it once was. And, he talks about tattoos, and tells his favorite tattoo story.'