Stories about Words and Language

Published: May 2, 2018, 7 p.m.

b'GamerDude\'s mother taught English and theater and, as a result, was a bit of a "language snob." For as long as he can remember, GamerDude\'s mom drilled correct pronunciations and correct usage of words into his head, and she passed her "snobbery" on to him. Today\'s stories involve GamerDude getting in trouble for mis-using the word "nausesous" when refusing to apologize to his sister, and his mother going crazy about the non-word "irregardless" and the mis-pronunciation of "nuclear." She didn\'t understand why people would say something "needs cleaned" if it "needed to be cleaned." GamerDude explains\\xa0what is was like to practice phrases like "rubber baby buggy bumpers" and how his mom made sure he didn\'t develop a New Jersey accent.\\xa0 He then shares some of the words and phrases that, thanks to his mother, drive him crazy when not used properly. "Supposedly," "niche," "irony," and "for all intents and purposes" are all on his list of pet language peeves, as well as far too many others.\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\\xa0\\n\\n\''