Stories About Dating

Published: April 25, 2018, 7 p.m.

b'GamerDude tells the story about his first real date in eighth grade, which confirms\\xa0that dating has always been a difficult process for almost everyone.\\xa0GamerDude tells stories about the "rules" for dating he grew up with, and how they impacted that first tense phone call with the "girl of his dreams - 8th grade edition." GamerDude lays out the rules, which included the boy asking the girl out and\\xa0giving her at least a week\'s notice. There were eating rules (don\'t order food you have to eat with your fingers), manners rules (hold open the doors and always pull out the date\'s chair for her) and paying rules (the boy ALWAYS picks up the check). He also talks about how important conversation is on a date, and how being a good listener is as important as being a good talker. GamerDude also passes on the rules that he grew up with that he believes might be helpful to a successful dating life in today\'s world.'