Saving Stuff

Published: June 9, 2021, 7 p.m.

b'When GamerDude was growing up, his parents taught him the value of saving things, and using things until the no longer worked. He talks about how his dad would buy used fans and vacuum cleaners at auctions and garage sales, because you never knew when you might need one. He talks about his dad\'s tools and hardware, and his back-up tools and hardware. He talks about how his mother saved everything, from paint brushes to newspaper clippings. He also talks about how hard it was - and how hard it continues to be - to get rid of his parents\' stuff, even though it\'s been more than a decade since they passed. He talks about trying to get rid of his mom\'s college yearbook, and her scrapbook of newspaper clippings, and the various documents and things his parents\\xa0accumulated over the years. He talks about how difficult it was getting rid of their 20-year-old computers, because "they worked just fine!" and he talks about how, even though their memories were not his memories, it was still difficult to part with their stuff simply because it was their stuff.\\n\\nGamerDude also talks about the realization he\'s had that he has accumulated stuff over the years that he doesn\'t want to have his kids stuck agonizing over if he ever gets hit by a bus. He talks about his penguin picture, his 8th grade math award, and the drumsticks he never actually used. And he says it\'s perfectly okay to get rid of his stuff after he\'s gone because he won\'t need it at that point.\\n\\nGamerDude also talks about taking pictures of old mementos and scanning old documents as a way to preserve your memory of them without having to take up space doing so.'