"Life Is Too Short!" And Other Life Advice

Published: April 21, 2021, 7 p.m.

b'As an old dude, GamerDude has learned a lot of things about life over the years. He\\xa0 wonders whether he would have taken "life advice" from his dad from his dad when he was growing up, if his dad had been the kind of guy to give it. He talks about how easy it is to live in the moment when you\'re in your 20s, and how it\'s not unusual to be short-sighted about the future.\\xa0 He also talks about how we are each in charge of our own lives, and our own happiness, and that it\'s up to us to make our own decisions, and find our own happiness, as we grow older.\\n\\nGamerDude talks about things he took for granted when he was younger, like finances, and health. He talks about the value of understanding the importance of planning for the future, both from a financial side, and from a health side. He remembers how easy it was to spend money on hot dogs, nachos, and beer, and how he never thought of the consequnces, and talks about the importance of having a long range plan in mind, both financially, and health-wise.\\xa0 He also talks about how your attitude towards partying, and alcohol, changes as you mature, which is in no small part due to the fact that, as you get older, it takes you longer to recover.\\xa0 And, he talks about how there is no manual to "adulting," and how we all have to make it up as we go along.'