It's Time To Do The Chores

Published: Jan. 8, 2020, 9:30 p.m.

b'"Doing chores" was a big part of GamerDude\'s childhood, and this week, he talks about all that was expected of him as a kid.\\xa0 Looking back, it doesn\'t seem like the chores were too much, but to a 10 year old, having to spend thirty minutes doing something that wasn\'t fun was a huge burden.\\xa0 What the chores taught GamerDude was that there were times in your life that you had to do things that you didn\'t want to do, but you had to do them anyway.\\n\\nGamerDude talks about having to make the bed, clean the bathroom, vacuum the rugs, and buff the floors.\\xa0 He also talks about his dad\'s "Chore Chart," which set out the main jobs for the kids each week, and who was supposed to do what on each day. GamerDude describes having to set the table, or clear the table, or do the dreaded "kitchen work."\\xa0 He also remember how much he disliked "trash day," and detested cleaning the kitty litter.\\n\\nHe also talks about his favorite chore: sorting.\\xa0 He describes the times he spent in the basement, with his dad, sorting through the various boxes of hardware his dad would bring home from sales.\\xa0 He learned to sort screws, and nuts, and bolts, and nails, and all sorts of hardware.\\xa0 He also learned what they were used for, and why you would use one screw over another.\\xa0 The most important thing he learned from this chore is that he liked spending time with his dad.'