Ethical Dilemmas, Moral Compasses and What Would Your Mother Think?

Published: Sept. 18, 2019, 7 p.m.

b'The tumultuous times in which we live has prompted GamerDude to revisit the topic of knowing the difference between right and wrong. This week, he talks about ethical dilemmas, and how he was brought up to know and understand the difference between doing "the right thing" and not doing "the wrong thing."\\xa0 He talks about the idea of "moral absolutes" and the fact that, sometimes, there is a "right thing" to do in a situation.\\xa0 He talks about moral dilemmas, and how to handle them. If given the chance, do you cheat on a test? Do you cover for your boss? Do you take advantage of your superior knowledge to get a deal at a yard sale?\\n\\nGamerDude also talks about how he learned how to do "the rght thing."\\xa0 He talks about how church, and parenting, and the schools all contributed to his understanding of knowing right from wrong. He also talks about ways you might be able to determine whether an action - like stealing sugar packets from the diner - is something you should do. Basically, it all comes down to a simple question: What would your mother think?'