Apples, and PCs, and Amigas, Oh My!

Published: Feb. 17, 2021, 8 p.m.

b'GamerDude grew up in a world without home computers. While computers did exist, classes for them were taught in college, and using a computer involved having to go to a "computer lab." The PC (which literally means "personal computer") simply did not exist. GamerDude talks about how doing something like writing a letter and keeping a copy of it - a process that has essentially been replaced by emails - involved using a typewriter, carbon paper, and Wite Out. He talks about the introduction of computers in school, and touches on programming languages like BASIC and C. He talks about how he had to learn MS-DOS and Lotus-123 (the standard "operating system" and an early spreadsheet program) on his own, while on the job. He also discusses how early products like Lotus-123 and WordPerfect were eventually driven out of business and replaced by Excel and Word. He also talks about early computer games, like Zork!, and how a text-adventure worked.\\n\\nHe also talks about how home PCs slowly began to become more prevalent, and how his dad initially didn\'t want to spend money on something they might use once a month. He also talks about the first PC he bought for himself - the Commodore Amiga. He talks about the amazing graphics of the Amiga, and\\xa0games he bought for it - like TV Sports Football - and game companies like CinemaScopt and Lucas Arts. And, he talks about how the slow drip-drip-drip of new and advanced technology over his lifetime has truly resulted in drastic changes in how we do things, and the way\\xa0we live our lives.'