Ep 328: Story Screen Reports - DC's Ten Year Plan...

Published: Nov. 22, 2022, 12:17 a.m.

b"Story Screen Reports is our team REACTING to the top 5 film, television and entertainment news stories of the month. Join us as we dissect and comb through everything from upcoming releases to studio drama.\\n\\nOn this episode, Tim Irwin guests to discuss the recent hiring of some new gun(n)s over in the DCEUHQ, as well as a few other stories. You can find those stories, and their sourced articles, linked below.\\n\\n\\n1. The Next Star Wars Film Terrifies Lucasfilm\\n\\nWritten by Matthew Belloni at Puck\\n\\nhttps://puck.news/the-next-star-wars-movie-terrifies-lucasfilm/ \\n\\nAlso:\\nDevotion filmmaker J.D. Dillard no longer developing Star Wars film\\n\\nShawn Levy in talks to Direct Star Wars film\\n\\n2. James Gunn and Petter Safran's 10 Year Plan\\n\\nWritten by Aaron Couch at The Hollywood Reporter\\n\\nhttps://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/dc-movies-james-gunn-peter-safran-1235259792/ \\n\\n\\n3. Henry Selick Wants More Credit for The Nightmare Before Christmas\\n\\nInterview by Todd Gilchrist at The AV Club\\n\\nhttps://www.avclub.com/henry-selick-nightmare-christmas-wendell-wild-burton-1849712802 \\n\\n\\n4. Lionsgate Wants To Make A John Wick Video Game\\n\\nWritten by Brian Welk at Indie Wire \\n\\nhttps://www.indiewire.com/2022/11/john-wick-video-game-lionsgate-1234779107/ \\n\\n5. Avatar 4 & 5 May Be Cancelled If The Way Of Water Flops\\n\\nWritten by Cameron Frew at Dextero \\n\\nhttps://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/avatar-4-5-may-be-canceled-if-way-of-water-flops-james-cameron-warns-1978100/ \\n\\n\\nListen on...."