A Friend of God

Published: Feb. 9, 2021, 5 p.m.

My previous podcast, was titled, “Confessions of a Non-prophet.” As I prepared that episode a thousand thoughts on how to “listen” to God were in my mind.  I prepared a follow-up episode based on Luke 18:8 where Jesus admonishes Has followers to “Be careful how you listen.” Yet, I kept landing on one theme: Being a Friend of God. Why would you share your secrets with anyone who is not a friend?

Email: jandc811@gmail.com
Twitter: @stormingthegat1
Facebook: Faith and Fasting @Psalm91vs1

Music: Hard-Fought battle by Purpleplanet.com

Contact and resources:
Email Joni: Joni@stormingthegates.net
Instagram Bio with Links: https://www.instagram.com/joni_scott.prayer/
Facebook Page: Faith and Fasting
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