Hayley Does Cocaine While Working At The District Attorney's Office

Published: Nov. 22, 2018, 8 a.m.

Hayley was adopted as a baby to loving and caring parents. She did not party in high school; her early adulthood started well. At the age of 23, Hayley was awarded a court settlement after a car accident, and with the money she bought a home. This allowed her to live alone and to hide the volume and frequency of her drinking. Even her boyfriend didn't know she was doing cocaine so she could drink more alcohol. Hayley's downward spiral had started. She knew it was happening but she didn't want to stop drinking and doing cocaine because she enjoyed doing it. Hayley's life was falling apart and she started to look for help. There were several attempts at getting clean, including some where she convinced herself that if she stopped drinking she could continue to smoke marijuana and snort cocaine. For the first time in years, Hayley is 40 days clean, but will her effort to stay clean and sober work out well this time?