Ramsay Street’s bad Neighbours | Remy Hii’s quarantine hacks

Published: April 9, 2021, 12:06 a.m.

It seems Ramsay Street may not be so neighbourly after all. Indigenous actors Shareena Clanton and Meyne Wyatt have gone public with experiences of racism and toxic behaviour while working on the set of Neighbours. Fremantle Media, which makes Neighbours, now says it has ordered an independent review of Neighbours and its production process. Actor Remy Hii (Marco Polo; Crazy Rich Asians; Aftertaste) joins BW + BL to talk about how he made it through three stints of quarantine, his foodie passions and how he hopes to see the Australian screen industry take more risks. And finally BL + BW blitz through some recent screen hits: Godzilla V Kong; Peter Rabbit 2; Supernova; and the Bluey Easter special. Show notes: Shareena Clanton's instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CNSmYtLLcvl/?igshid=oxl28oldmq6n Shareena Clanton on ABC RN Awaye: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/awaye/saturday-10-april-2021/13293778 Allegations of racism on Neighbours: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-56652191 Aftertaste on ABC iview: https://iview.abc.net.au/show/aftertaste Sydney Writer's Festival performance: https://www.swf.org.au/festivals/festival-2021/the-space-between-words/