Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2986

Published: Aug. 16, 2022, midnight

Tonight's special guests are Rachel Hawley and Eli Yoder from the Amish Rescue Mission. Rachel grew up in Southern Minnesota. The Amish community where she was raised was so sheltered that she didn't even know there were any other Amish. She still has a lot of unanswered questions. In 2020 a little 12 year old Amish girl got pregnant in Missouri, by one of her 4 brothers. Rachel said, "Okay God, I am listening. Where do I start?" Inspired by the Holy Spirit, she created a 'safe touch~not safe touch' poster for the Amish and Plain children, took advocacy training and became the Co-Founder of Amish Rescue Mission in hopes to give all God's children a voice. Eli Yoder grew up in a old order Amish community in Kenton, Ohio, where he experienced lots of physical abuse. "I wanted to run away at a very young age and I failed at every attempt of escape until 18 years when I could legally leave by law." He continues, "I thought for sure that I would go to hell but I wanted to get away from the abuse so badly that I thought hell might be just a little bit better." In 2017 he first laid his eyes on the English written Bible, and realized he'd been lied to his whole life. "After being out for 15 years I got to know many other former Amish on social media including Rachel." He'd discovered a path. "I knew that I had to be a part of helping victims who don't have a voice in these Amish communities." The Mission now has many different tools including safe houses, Dutch speaking interpreters and many other resources. The group has recently added a hotline -- 888 / 621-1985 -- and safe houses for those in need of rescue from current abusive situation.