Stop Child Abuse Now (SCAN) - 2828

Published: Jan. 6, 2022, 1 a.m.

Tonight's special guest is James Carey from Ireland, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. James was raised in a family of genocidal psychopaths who run the Irish government. He was sexually abused throughout his entire childhood, and will be discussing his story of trauma, betrayal and the power of overcoming. His is a fascinating story of endurance, resiliency and hope. ~~~ There are many different forms of trauma that occur after child abuse. Both severe sexual assaults and extreme violent behavior can be devastating to the child as he / she grows, and may become emotional trauma of the type our guest is speaking. NAASCA certainly wants to acknoeledge  our commitment to all childhood traumas, which is evident in the first half of NAASCA's mission statement: 1) educating the public, especially as related to helping society get over its taboo of discussing childhood sexual abuse (CSA), presenting facts showing child abuse to be a pandemic, worldwide problem that affects everyone, and 2) offering hope and healing through numerous paths, providing many services to adult survivors of child abuse and information for anyone interested in the many issues involving prevention, intervention and recovery. Cases as extreme as James' will likely require years of therapy to work the symptoms out, and NAASCA recommends one seek out psychologists who devote themselves to helping patients come to terms with their trauma. Then again its not an easy thing from which to heal, and there will be benefits using various tools and techniques, including psychiatry early on and spirituality later. Meeting in group settings is also recommended.