Episode 14 - Krister Ungerbock

Published: Oct. 5, 2020, 1:51 p.m.

b'Krister Ungerbock is a leadership language expert, former global tech CEO and author. His work has appeared in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc and Chief Executive. Prior to exiting corporate life at age 42, Krister was CEO of one of the largest family-owned software companies in the world.\\xa0\\xa0While leading the company to over 3,000% growth, his team created 100 million dollars in shareholder value, won five Top Workplace Awards, achieved remarkable employee engagement levels of 99.3%, and became a dominant player in its market niche \\u2014 event management software. Krister is the author of the upcoming book, 22 Talk SHIFTs: TOOLS TO TRANSFORM LEADERSHIP in Business, in Partnership and in Life.\\xa0\\n\\xa0\\nGet the book on Amazon or www.TalkSHIFT.com'