We've finally found the WMDs! Hell Squad

Published: Feb. 16, 2015, 11:17 p.m.


Take 1 kidnapped diplomat\'s son, a country that only has bad guys in it, one guy how is a bit of a dick, 9 strippers, shake and stir and you\'ve got Hell Squad. We aren\'t really sure what this movie is (other than ridiculous), is it a comedy or action movie?


The story is so dumb that I can only figure that its supposed to be a joke, but its presented in such a manner that makes it seem like its a solid premise for an action movie. However, jokes abound that may or may not be funny in the film. One lady can\'t use a rifle because he boobs are too big, there\'s a water shortage in Karajan so the girls all have to use the bath tub at once (and everyday) and spoiler alert - there\'s a Scooby-Doo ending.


With that all said, Hell Squad is a really good time and a very underrated bad movie. It\'s inept film-making at its best with a completely ridiculous story and presentation. You can watch it twice in a row because of how much laughing at it you\'ll do the first time around. We recommend it greatly.


Individual Ratings:


Over the top action:3-star
Cheesy effects:3-star
Horrendous acting:4-star
Ridiculous stunts:2-star
Gratuitous nudity:3-star
Memorable one-liners:3-star


Overall Ratings:


Good Movie Quality: 2-star
Bad Movie Quality:8-star
