Increase Generosity Through Discipleship

Published: May 6, 2021, 8:27 p.m.

What you will hear in this episode

“For decades we’ve had the privilege of serving Christians and helping them to be more generous, and through that discipleship interactions, we’re learning from them what they want and don’t want from the ministries that they are giving to.”

“It is a bit scary how transient givers are these days, even in the local church.”

“What God put on Ron Blue’s heart back in 1979 was to help Christians become financially free in order to assist in fulfilling the great commission.”

“Financial freedom is never a function of how much money somebody has, it is always and only a function of how much money they give away.”

“Our work is not to funnel money into the church, or even just into the kingdom for the sake of the money coming in, it’s for the sake of freedom for the giver.”

“Once we help a client identify their finish line, and they make a commitment to leave a significant amount of resources to the kingdom at death, our next automatic question is, Wouldn’t it be more fun to give this away while you’re still alive to enjoy the blessing and the fruit?”

“The negative trend, the one that really concerns me is how ineffective my generation has been in passing down the legacy gene to the next generations.”

Join us for the Maximizing Generosity Through Donor Discipleship Webinar

When - May 27, 2021 @ 10:30 am Eastern Time.


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