From Stingy to Generous to Discipling Others In Generosity

Published: Oct. 24, 2019, 11 a.m.

In this episode of Stewardship Leader, we're talking with Blair Graham, stewardship pastor at The Summit Church in Raleigh Durham, NC. Blair is passionate about using finances to lead people to a deeper relationship with Jesus. You'll appreciate his approach to starting the stewardship ministry at The Summit and how it developed over the first few years, and the insight he shared about running an effective stewardship ministry.

Things you'll hear in this episode.

"I began to wrestle with what it meant to be all in for Jesus."

“We went from non-givers to tithers overnight.”

"I had some marching orders and kind of a vision, but I didn't have a strategy on what to do to build a stewardship ministry."

"Attending the CSN Forum completely changed the direction, the trajectory, and the plan for The Summit Church Stewardship Ministry."

"Most of the stewardship leaders attending the CSN Forum were a few years ahead of me. Learning from them saved me from making huge mistakes and wasting time trying things that would not have worked."

“My biggest failure in ministry was bringing on a person that was not qualified to lead.”

Things you will learn from this episode

Committing to taking one or two small things you could use at your church and apply them consistently will allow you over time to build an effective stewardship ministry at your church.

Using online giving receipts to communicate and disciple members about stewardship.

Connecting with other stewardship leaders can help you in building your stewardship ministry.


The Stewardship Digest
CSN Stewardship Impact Workshop
CSN Annual Forum - March 2020