Caroline Has Zing!

Published: Feb. 13, 2021, 8 a.m.

I'm so excited to chat to Caroline about all things Pilates!
Word of warning on this Podcast - you will want to start working on your Pilates immediately after listening!

After years of desk-bound jobs, and a rather poor attitude to fitness generally, Caroline ended up with sleepness nights through back and neck pain. The final straw was went she got stuck at the bottom of ladder  at a play park because she didn’t have the strength to pull herself up. 

Enough was enough. By luck there was a local Pilates teacher and, right from that first session, Caroline has never looked back. She has gone on to train with Body Control Pilates in London (Europe’s leading Pilates organisation, which is also medically approved) and has trained ‘classically’ with Peak Pilates in Rotterdam. She works with a range of ages and conditions, training NATO staff and their families, as well as others. The necessary move to online teaching opened up the world and she now teaches from the Netherlands but in the UK, Spain, Cyprus and Canada. 

Pilates has made her, and her clients,  physically and mentally stronger. From that first group class in a village hall to setting up her own studio in the Netherlands, the journey has been great fun and only just begun.