The Science of Conscious Creation with Tamara Dorris

Published: Oct. 8, 2019, 9 a.m.

You can be the architect of your life. It all starts when you accept responsibility for everything that has happened to you - the good and the bad - and decide that you are going to live empowered by it all, not victimized. When you reach that level of consciousness of how the world, and its infinite amount of energy works, you can tap into a higher realm. 

You are incredibly vulnerable to the energy around you. Surround yourself with positive people, and you will see a change in your disposition. When you are feeling down, a simple joke or something that makes you laugh can wake your spirit up. Allow yourself to align your heart and mind, and commit to living authentically and from the heart, doing what makes you happy and serves others. 

When I coach my relationship clients towards finding the man of their dreams, they understand that it’s more than just willing someone to appear on a white horse and swoop them away. A big part does involve putting out into the universe the type of relationship you want, but it’s also being more open and vulnerable, and letting that special person into your life through trust and an open mind. Tamara Dorris, a university professor and author of 20 books, is an expert on manifestation, and on today’s episode she shares how you can do this despite all the daily distractions that we allow to occupy our mind.