Radical Influence: PR, TV And Networking with Jill Lublin

Published: Aug. 14, 2018, 9 a.m.

Influence is undoubtedly a very important world in the business. It's what measures your success. How you reach other people and create an impact on their lives shows the value of what you do. But not everyone can get this right. Some fail to give the right kind of influence that it ends up ruining the reputation. Master publicity strategist and consultant, Jill Lublin, breaks down business influence and how to do it the right way. Talking about being known and finding your unique self, she gives some great advice that will inspire you to reach out and create a good message. Jill says we should align our energy with other people when it comes to networking and going through all the ropes of getting our business out. She shares some tips on confidence and fear to help resonate our own brand and help foster the kind of value that we can offer to the people.