Inner Strength and Courage with Abby Wynne

Published: July 16, 2019, 9 a.m.

It was not that long ago that the concept of self-care and inner energies  was considered ‘new age’, something that only hippies practiced. Nowadays, it’s considered essential to practice self-care, listen to our intuition, and follow healthy boundaries when it comes to the people and things we let into our lives. And when it comes to reaching a point of fulfillment, I’ll let you in on a little secret: everything that you need is within you. Society doesn’t define you, another individual doesn’t define you, you alone are the person who decides, consciously, what you will make of your life, and how you will live through all the ups and downs that are part of our human existence. 
I teach the importance of self-love to my clients as one of the foundational elements that they must have before they are able to receive their soulmate. You simply cannot sustain loving another person if you don’t first acknowledge, appreciate, and remind yourself that you are enough in this world, and that although you love someone else with all your heart, they do not validate your worth. 
I loved getting into that “woo-woo” zone with Abby Wynne, a spiritual healer who has a scientific background to back up all of her teachings. What we uncovered in this episode may be exactly what you need to hear today to remind you that you are worthy of a life full of love and happiness.