53. How to Find the Right Man with Anita Boyd

Published: Feb. 28, 2017, 10 a.m.


Today we\'re joined by the lovely Antia Boyd, who has spent more than a decade helping single women attract long-term, loving, stable relationships. She struggled for years with trust issues and attracting emotionally unavailable men. In this episode she\'ll discuss how she finally decided to make a change and how she can help you to do the same.

Connect With Antia:

Antia Boyd on LinkedIn
@HowToFindTheRightMan on Facebook


The Mission Log:

  • [01:20] - Antia shares a bit about herself and her relationship with her husband, Brody. She explains how her background led her to where she is today, and what it took for her to find the man of her dreams.
  • [05:48] - What did Antia learn in her coaching sessions?
  • [09:12] - Antia talks about the \\u201chomework\\u201d she needed to do while she was going through coaching.
  • [11:57] - Orion talks about a book she\\u2019s reading: The Tools by Phil Stutz and Barry Michels. She and Antia then talk about a lesson from the book.
  • [13:48] - Antia discusses the concept of running toward your fears. She explores this by revealing some of the dynamics she has with her husband.
  • [17:57] - What is Antia\\u2019s best dating advice for women? Her answer involves bringing energy back to yourself through awareness and questions.
  • [20:40] - We hear Antia\\u2019s advice about dating online or through apps. Her advice involves maintaining the same energy as you would in person.
  • [22:47] - Antia elaborates on why you should meet someone in person quickly when online dating, especially with an anxious attachment style.
  • [24:59] - We learn about the benefits of treating every date as a first date, and what that means in practical terms.
  • [26:16] - In terms of getting intimate, Antia doesn\\u2019t have a system. Instead, it\\u2019s something to do when you feel in alignment and you desire it, not when you\\u2019re asking yourself whether you \\u201cshould.\\u201d
  • [28:30] - What does being vulnerable mean to Antia?
  • [31:15] - Antia talks about what to wear when you go out on dates. Her color advice depends on the kind of man you tend to attract, and to avoid letting your clothes wear you instead of the other way around.
  • [37:27] - Authenticity is \\u201c100%\\u201d important in a relationship, Antia says, and explains why.
  • [39:11] - What are some red flags when you\\u2019re dating someone new? She gives some advice on how to steer clear of manipulative and emotionally abusive men.
  • [42:56] - Antia discusses how to set boundaries, and how to communicate it when you have a problem with something your significant other did.
  • [46:47] - What are Antia\\u2019s three tips to leaving a stellar life? #1: Really be yourself. If you want to dance or skip or sing, do it! #2: Be authentic, and speak your truth. #3: When you\\u2019re dating or with your man, make sure you have some other way to create that same emotional tonality outside of your relationship.
  • [49:19] - Antia talks about where to find her and what she offers, including free coaching at howtofindtherightman.com.


Your Pre-Flight Checklist:

  1. You attract who you\\u2019re being. If you find you\\u2019re attracting the wrong kind of men, take a close look at yourself and identify how you\\u2019re similar to them.
  2. Identify which of the two types of women you are. One type of woman learns through relationships, and the other kind of woman learns outside of relationships.
  3. If you\\u2019re single, work on preparing yourself. Remember that you could meet your life partner any day, so become the woman you want to be for that event.


Links and Resources:

Antia Boyd on LinkedIn
@HowToFindTheRightMan on Facebook
The Tools
The Game
