169. Soulful Passionate Relationships with Dave & Yvette Ulloa

Published: May 21, 2019, 9 a.m.


As the saying goes, no good thing comes easy, and that is especially true for Marriages. While you may\\xa0consider the act of getting married the ultimate culmination of a relationship, in fact, getting married is just\\xa0the beginning of a long, bumpy, exciting, risky journey. Marriage is something you constantly work on,\\xa0because the commitment to be fully present for your partner as you both continue to evolve over the years is no easy feat.\\xa0\\xa0
However, when you do put in the effort, you\\u2019ll find that having a committed partner, friend, lover, and all\\xa0that entails within relationships is what makes life worth living. There are ways that you can balance each\\xa0other, play on your masucline/feminine energies, listen to each other, love each other and most of all\\xa0respect each other, for the individuals that you are and for the way your partner brings out the best in you.\\xa0\\xa0
There is no one better to provide guidance on how to make your marriage flourish than my beloved\\xa0married friends, Dave and Yvette Ulloa. This couple is extraordinary.They've been married for 19 years\\xa0and they're very passionate about their relationship and empowering others. They both graduated from\\xa0Tony Robbins Senior Leadership, and are certified NLP practitioners. They've been travelling the world full\\xa0time for the past 13 years, speaking on stages as large as 25,000 people. Tune in to learn how to put the\\xa0spark back into your marriage!\\xa0\\xa0
