Ep 12// Diversity in STEM: the disappointing reality

Published: May 3, 2021, 9:17 p.m.

b"How exciting, we have our first ever guest! Emma (AKA p.h.days) is currently doing her PHD in\\xa0molecular biology and is an absolute queen (go and listen to her podcast 'Persistently Hard Days' if you haven't already!)\\xa0\\nWe're having a long old chat about the frustrating state of demographics in the STEM field. From socio-economic class, to race, to gender - there are numerous failings in the industry and it needs to change. We've all witnessed this inequality in some way, shape or form and also the detrimental impact it can have on individuals but also at higher levels.\\xa0\\nIt's difficult to thrive when you have nobody who 'looks like you' in positions which you aspire to reach. When will it change?\\nThe oppressor is not responsible for fixing the oppression.\\xa0\\nBut unfortunately, it often falls to the minority groups to initiate these changes.\\xa0\\nIf you're looking for more relatable people in your field, check instagram, or one of the organisations below:\\n\\n Higher Education Race Action Group\\n\\n BBSTEM - Black British professionals in STEM, a non profit organisation aiming to ncrease the representation of black individuals in STEM\\n\\n ScienceGrrl - A grassroots organisation representing the female face of science in the UK, working to inform women in STEM policy at a national level.\\n\\n STEMettes - An organisation running panel events, hackathons and exhibitions aimed at inspiring the next generation of women into STEM.\\n\\nWe haven't even begun to talk about disabilty, sexuality and numerous other realms of inequality, the list goes on. But we hope that it starts a conversation, you've got this, stay you boo xoxo\\n\\nReferences:\\nhttps://www.sciencecentres.org.uk/resources/promoting-diversity-and-inclusion-stem-engagement/case-improving-diversity-stem/\\nhttps://www.britishscienceassociation.org/news/report-on-equity-in-stem-education-released?gclid=CjwKCAiA4rGCBhAQEiwAelVti5SlAMrYQtVO2A8fiQCzgOIKfQQbpKjSXKdPcJf5yC41MZ_z1afZTRoCNZ8QAvD_BwE\\nhttps://www.stemwomen.co.uk/blog/2021/01/women-in-stem-percentages-of-women-in-stem-statistics\\nhttps://www.bmj.com/content/352/bmj.i632\\nhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-35641061#:~:text=The%20trust%20said%20that%20of,educates%207%25%20of%20the%20population.\\nhttps://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-020-19723-8\\n\\nMusic: Roadtrip by Slynk"