Sunday Smash (The Naked Truth) S4E20

Published: May 1, 2022, 10 a.m.

As people we should learn to tell the truth, because if I lie about something, you will go and someone else will tell you the truth as it's. As John chapter 8 verse 32 says, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." I know you heard of the expression of "The Naked Truth" as it is a interesting expression as people like things that are naked. Yet people are failing out to the naked truth as it is because they are scared of hurting someone's feelings so they choose to take the easy route of the white lie. What is the point of hiding the truth because the truth always has a of coming out. People who love the truth are people after God's heart. These are people who do not constantly keep track of what they said to whom.