Sunday Smash (God's Uniqueness) S2E42

Published: July 11, 2021, 11 a.m.

God does mysterious unique things using people who are looked down upon by others. If we look at Jesus was just a normal man who God chose to use to come and save us as people who have a lot of sins. Was there anything extra special about Jesus no but God used Jesus because he was a person who had a good heart and was a very understanding person. God also used Moses to go and take the children of Israel from Egypt. Moses was a shepherd of sheeps when God chose him to save his children. Was there anything extraordinary about Moses no one but Moses took his role after God spoke to him. Even in today's world God uses people who are looked down upon by others, for example if a family is a victim of poverty, God will give a child in that family to have high level of wisdom to be able to take his family out of poverty.