What We Believe: Diversity in Theology

Published: Sept. 22, 2019, 8:32 p.m.

b'Unitarian Universalism is predominantly a faith of \\u201ccome-inners,\\u201d those who joined the church as adults, with a minority of \\u201cborn-inners,\\u201d those who were born or grew up as UUs. We may come from the faith tradition of our childhood, or we may come from no faith tradition at all. Most of us have in common, however, the experience of being raised in a tradition other than Unitarian Universalism. Stories abound of UU congregants saying, \\u201cI was always a Unitarian Universalist, but didn\\u2019t know it,\\u201d or \\u201cI finally found a church community where I could express my beliefs and have them accepted.\\u201d Gatherings of newcomers express joy at finding a community of like-minded people. Hear testimonials about "Building Your Own Theology" by Donnie Rett and Beth Ogilvie as well as a sermon by Rev. Maria Cristina.'