#5 - Mindfulness, Consumption, & Flow

Published: Sept. 13, 2020, 5 a.m.

"You are something that the WHOLE universe is doing, in the same way that a wave is something that the whole ocean is doing." - Alan Watts

Can't get your mind to chill out sometimes?  Same!  And I wanna talk about it.  Why can it be so hard to get out of our heads, yet so easy to be anxious?  Is it the constant stimulation from our phones, the internet and social media?  Is it our addictive consumerist society?  Maybe it's just the pressures and expectations of being human, or a million other things!  

No matter what it is, it's never too late to get out of our minds and into the "flow", by acquainting ourselves with the constant, steady, river-like flow of reality, and fulfilling our ONE inherent obligation as inhabitants of this universe: To Be.