Starburst Radio Podcast Special Number 3 of 3

Published: March 2, 2012, 7:36 p.m.

FROM THE ARCHIVES - from 'long thought lost' recordings we proudly present a Bonus Show - The THIRD ever edition of the Starburst Radio Show Stardate 2nd April 2011 [The STARBURST RADIO SHOW is about to begin its third ever show, when Mike Royce accidentally takes the radio Station off the air...] In Which Mike Royce is upset by Crypt Keeper Douglas, wants Gotham to be Gotham, gives the lowdown on his worst Movie ever, and has serious problems with the Green Goblin's Butler. Kris Heys isn't impressed by the D.C. Movieverse, prefers his poodles to be gamma powered, reveals the horror of 'The Governator', and definitely doesn't like being Anglee. The pledge to review 'The CSI Experience' is born, 'Sucker Punch', 'The Adjustment Bureau' and the New 'Prisoner' TV Series are all reviewed, whilst the Prisoner play 'Everyman' is previewed live on air... [Dedicated with respect to the venerable, sensible and respectable SUSAN HAMPSHIRE from Stafford] All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.