Starburst Radio Podcast 4th March 2012

Published: March 5, 2012, 9:24 p.m.

Stardate 4th March 2012... In which Kris Heys investigates mysterious gruds, is not enamoured with Spidey comedy wisecracks, refuses a meal with Stan Lee and Nelson Mandela , and wonders why he is the only person with one of THOSE carpets. Mike Royce chooses Doctor Doom in the fight against racism, is not fooled by 1970’s plastic Dinosaurs, wonders why Peter Parker doesn’t make millions from his patents, and is really hoping he is right about Fin Fang Foom. The reason for the last minute ‘Avengers’ title change is discussed, and future of ‘American Horror Story’ is debated. It’s Sunday the 4th March, year of our Lord 2012, and the Starburst Dog Molestation Trial is about to begin... All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.