Starburst Radio BONUS Podcast 26th August 2011

Published: Aug. 26, 2011, 12:32 p.m.

Stardate 26th August 2011... [THE INBETWEENERS and SPY KIDS SPECIAL] In which Kris Heys explores the ‘Sitcom Movie’ obsession with going on holiday, destroys his ‘League Of Gentlemen’ DVD Boxset, and refuses to ‘Jump the Shark’. Mike Royce despairs at George Lucas, gains far too much pleasure from the cinematic death of J-lo, copiously explains Goblin, and just wants to go to America. Shotguns become walkie talkies, William Castle is a multi-trick pony, Alien Spaceship interiors should be not seen and not heard, and rubbish Chinese Dragons need to face the window... [RECORDED in BONEHEAD-ARAMA 5D] All recordings are issued under official license from Manchester Radio Online.