Episode 7.7: Miniature Watering Cans and What To Do With Them

Published: July 28, 2017, 7:42 p.m.

Episode 7.7: Miniature Watering Cans and What To Do With Them In which Martin Unsworth celebrates the golden age of Jeff Stryker, reveals which 'big' celebrity is coming to Manchester, and espouses the virtues of 3D responsibility. Mike Royce prophesises the return of Daniel Craig’s ears, explains the problem of Henry Cavill’s tache, and reveals the latest lame move from the DC Extended Universe. A former Doctor Who actor leaves Twitter, Spider-Man: Homecoming hits a major bump in the road, and Dunkirk is reviewed, as STARBURST Radio recovers from the power outages of the previous show. [Apologies for some sound distortion - The fault has been fixed for next week] All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International