Episode 7.20: Pubcast 3: All Out Bore

Published: Nov. 14, 2017, 10:07 p.m.

Episode 7.20: Pubcast 3: All Out Bore In which Kris Heys is close to despair with The Walking Dead, but is looking forward to the first Skywalker free Star Wars trilogy. Mike Royce has mixed feelings about the return of his all-time favourite comic book, but thinks the world is ready for a B.J. and the Bear revival. Whilst Martin Unsworth escapes from the office, and delivers a seismic tale of zero relevance. The success of a black Spider-Man in Trump’s America is debated, a ‘Larsonverse’ is created, Disney starts streaming, and nobody has their shittin’ pants on, as the gang hit the Fab Café in Manchester for some overdue cult tv and movie beverages. *Show first broadcast on Wed 15th November 2017 All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International.