Episode 5.3: Alien Vs Aliens

Published: Feb. 13, 2015, 6:55 p.m.

Episode 5.3: Alien Vs Aliens In which Mike Royce realises that George R.R. Martin attends the same tailor as Dr Strange, exposes the sad truth of John Buscema’s little boy, and can’t believe that Marvel Comics is preparing to snatch defeat from the jaws from victory. Martin Unsworth unveils possibly the biggest genre shitbag shuffle, uncovers a home grown Starburst shitbag shuffle, before completely dismissing the entire back catalogue of a legendary genre director. Shauna Askew ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Andercon is almost, kinda announced, After 48 hours without sleep Starburst issue 410 goes to print, and Dev Patel makes his comeback, as Starburst Radio gets completely derailed by the tin bath adventures of Aquaman and The Yorkshire Dipper... [CAUTION: Sam Worthington is mentioned in this podcast. Anyone who suffers adverse effects from exposure to appalling acting should listen with caution!] Sponsored by Arrow Films All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International