Episode 5.21: In Leicester

Published: June 19, 2015, 7:15 p.m.

Episode 5.21: In Leicester In which Mike Royce Explains why insurances inspections are never the basis for a good disaster movie, reveals when morris dancers began to take on a sinister connotation, and writes an honest critique that results in various death threats. Martin Unsworth is sleaze muzzled, downplays his prog rock obsessions, and highly recommends Sparks sized measures. Jurassic World is almost reviewed, The Magnificent 72 definitely don’t ride again, and the most influential movies of our youth are debated as the foil finished, Issue 414 of Starburst Magazine goes on sale. [Warning: Imitating some of the events in this show can result in blindness!] Sponsored by Arrow Films All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International