Episode 5.14: Chickando's

Published: May 5, 2015, 8:42 a.m.

Episode 5.14: Chickando's In which Martin Unsworth reports back from his "Night of the Demon", comes clean about one of his guiltiest pleasures, and reveals the secrets uncovered in a 70 years old toy shop treasure trove. Mike Royce bemoans the loss of his dream cinema, explains why perhaps the Dark Knight shouldn’t return, and holds a DC Comics related sermon over a newly tattooed Joker. Avengers: Age Of Ultron is reviewed, and Denge gets some grammar tips, as the Fab Radio global media conspiracy is seemingly uncovered... [Starburst Radio is brought to you by the power of the mighty Leprecoin] Sponsored by Arrow Films All recordings are issued under official license from Fab Radio International